What Does It Take To Become A Denver Cycle Slut?

The Denver Cycle Sluts have been around for more than four decades and have become quite well-known around Denver and across the country. We are hard to miss, with our fabulously bright colored hair and outrageous glitter-filled makeup! We are mostly seen as entertainers - out having a crazy time and enjoying ourselves. However, there is much more to the Denver Cycle Sluts.

The Denver Cycle Sluts are a group of individuals that believe whole-heartedly in providing service, love, and assistance for our fellow human beings. The group is a 100% volunteer organization, made entirely of those who donate their time and effort to a greater cause.

Goals And Fundraising

Our main goal, as Denver Cycle Sluts, is to raise as much money as possible for various charity groups and those in need in the Denver, Colorado area. Our secondary goal, which is no less important, is to have as much fun as possible along the way! We feel that by making people radiate with laughter, we help raise the spirit of our entire community. We also feel that when we are laughing and enjoying the world, we tend to give more – which brings us directly back to our first goal: raising as much money as possible for those in need!

In order to accomplish our goals, the Denver Cycle Sluts hold charity bingos and various variety shows that benefit our charity of the month. As a non-profit corporation, the Denver Cycle Sluts raise money entirely through private and public donations. Each month, our charity bingos and shows are organized and produced by the Denver Cycle Sluts and our mighty volunteers (that help us in the background to produce such fun-filled events).

Each charity bingo function and fund-raising show requires a generous amount of time, effort, and work to put on. Being a Denver Cycle Slut not only requires being a social entertainer, it also requires a substantial investment of personal time, energy, and money. Our fabulous wigs, costumes, and shoes do not always come cheap! And then there’s all that glitter to purchase!

The Denver Cycle Sluts are much more than a fund-raising, community-service organization. We are a group of friends that considers each to be a “Glitter Slut Sister.” The group offers the pleasure of an immense amount of fun, but we also take our commitment to our cause very seriously. It can often require a lot of work and persistence to be a Denver Cycle Slut – but the personal reward of helping and providing service to others is a miraculous benefit that simply must be experienced to explain.

Interested In Joining?

If you are interested in becoming a Denver Cycle Slut, please know that we welcome all those who are interested to apply. However, we would also like for you to know some things that we look for in a potential Denver Cycle Slut!

First and foremost, we look for someone with passion, excitement, commitment, enthusiasm, and a strong internal desire to help their fellow human beings. A new member must be able to interact with the public, in a heart-felt, meaningful way. Genuine character and good people skills are a must. We also strongly require an ability to work smoothly and efficiently within a group setting. Similar to any family, we are not perfect and often have our own misunderstandings; however, we all have the ultimate goal of helping others in need and we look for someone that can overcome these minor issues and bond as a group of Glitter Slut Sisters. A new member should be able to blend with the group as a whole and should add to the group dynamic and not detract from it.

If you want to be a Denver Cycle Slut, we kindly suggest that you attend our monthly bingo and show events to watch and gather information on how we interact and entertain the public in general. It is best if you engage in conversation with a Slut, so that you can get to know each of us a bit better. You are encourage to ask questions and to learn as much about our organization as possible.

Ways To Join

The first step on the road to becoming an official Slut is to contact the current Queen Mother with your intentions. The Queen Mother will set up an appointment with you to discuss your desire to be a Slut and help answer any questions or concerns you may have. This meeting is a great opportunity for you to gather more information, and for the Queen Mother to assess your motivations for being a Slut and if you might be a good fit for the group in general.

If it is determined that you are potential fit, you will then be asked to come join the Denver Cycle Sluts as a SLIT (Slut in Training). As a SLIT, you are encouraged to come to as many of our meetings and events as possible – all with the purpose of learning HOW to be an official Denver Cycle Slut. During your Slut in Training time, you will learn the basics – and then begin to build on the details that make a great Slut. After you have completed at least three months of the SLIT program, you will be reviewed by the Queen Mother and the Denver Cycle Sluts as a whole. If it is determined that you gained the necessary skill and training, you will be asked to join as an official Slut. Please be aware that the SLIT process is a flexible one, and that not all SLITS become Sluts. It takes a strong set of skills and desire, as well as commitment to become an official Denver Cycle Slut.

Another “route” to becoming a Denver Cycle Slut is through our various “Slut Search” shows that we hold occasionally. These special shows are put together with the intention of “searching” for the next Denver Cycle Slut, and will be announced via our website and community papers. If you choose this route, you will be entering a “contest” that will, in essence, allow you to become an official Denver Cycle Slut – by “winning” the competition.

Prior to attending the Slut Search, you will need to have your “Slut” name chosen, at least one costume prepared, and your “Slut” character defined. You will also need to prepare a couple of “slut-style” performance numbers, as you will be asked to perform more than once during the show. You will also be given an on-stage interview, and quite possibly be asked to participate in some form of “slut-style” contest against other contestants. The best “Slut/Sluts” will be chosen by the current members of the Denver Cycle Sluts, and the “winners” will be announced at the end of the show. The “winner” will automatically be asked to join the Denver Cycle Sluts and will be expected to uphold all ideals, obligations, and goals of the group.

Slut Rules & Regulations

There are five standing rules every member of the Denver Cycle Sluts (including SLITS, SLUTS, and SLOTS) must follow in order to be considered a true glitter sister. They are listed below:

  • All Performing Members will have or will apply glittered facial hair (i.e. moustache, beard, or goatee)
  • No Performing Member will wear any artificial finger nails at any time while performing, nor will they be allowed to use finger nail polish.
  • Performing Members are not allowed to “tuck.”
  • Performing Members must wear a “jewel” of some kind somewhere on their face.
  • Performing Members must own at least one very large, outrageous wig.
  • Once you become a Denver Cycle Slut, either through the SLIT program or through Slut Search, you are required to commit to at least one full year of service to the group. During this year, you will continue to perfect your Slut character and polish your skills. If you complete a full year, you will be allowed to retain your Slut "name" permanently.

    For those that complete a full two years of service to the organization, you will also be granted a permanent "title." Those members with permanent titles are eligible for official retirement from the group (thus, becoming a SLOT - Slutty "Old" Thing), however, a longer commitment to service is always encouraged and welcomed.

    Interested in becoming a Denver Cycle Slut?

    Get in touch with us directly by filling out this form, or by emailing us at [email protected]