The Denver Cycle Sluts are Colorado’s longest-lasting camp-drag comedy performing ensemble. Since their glittery beginning in 1979, The Denver Cycle Sluts have always held one goal in mind – to raise money for charitable causes and to have as much fun as possible while accomplishing this mission!
Performing members dress in outrageous over-the-top costumes, brightly colored colossal wigs, outlandish over-sized eyelashes, and makeup so thick it’s often put on with a spatula. And don’t forget lots and lots of glitter! Considered the “Jesters” of the drag-world, The Denver Cycle Sluts thoroughly enjoy raising money for those in need.
To date, The Denver Cycle Sluts have raised more than $200,000 for such charitable organizations as animal shelters, children’s foundations, women’s shelters, crisis funds, AIDS-related outreach programs, and numerous GLBT programs and charities – just to name a few.
With no end in site, the Denver Cycle Sluts continue their reign as Denver’s Original Premier Camp-Drag Comedy Troupe.